
Go from surviving to thriving in the next normal.

Due to recent environmental factors, many companies were forced to shift—nearly overnight—to working from home and/or remotely. And while some businesses may choose to stay that way, other organizations are preparing for what’s next—navigating a successful and safe return to work outside the home and the resumption of normal operations.

Not sure how to help your customers get back to business? ScanSource and Intelisys can help! Here are a few of today’s hottest verticals, along with how you can help customers get back into the office—and go from surviving to thriving in the new normal!

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Many school systems—and parents—are unprepared for 100% e-Learning and are considering a mix of virtual and in-school learning. What impacts will social distancing, hybrid learning, and adjusted scheduling have on our schools? Check out the content below to learn more about what you need to know and how you can leverage technologies such as temperature scanning, devices, collaboration, cloud/IaaS, remote compute, and more to earn an “A+” on your next education opportunity!

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While it has its place, telemedicine is not a fit for all types of care. In-person doctor or hospital visits will continue to play a very important role in patient care and treatment. What are some of the best practices and technologies that hospitals, clinics, and doctors’ offices can leverage to provide quality care and maintain HIPAA compliance, all while keeping their patients safe and secure? Check out our assets to learn more about the technologies your healthcare customers need to get a clean bill of health!

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General Office

Offices across the country also quickly shifted to remote workforces during the pandemic. And while they were able to leverage technology to pivot to remote employees, many still face uncertainty about whether the technology they employed is the most efficient and effective. How will these businesses balance safety, real-estate costs, and streamlined engagement across in-person and fully remote employees and customers? Learn more through our on-demand content.

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Retail and Hospitality

The retail and hospitality space took a hit when businesses were forced to shutter during the current health challenges. Many restaurants and retailers had to close. But others found new, innovative ways to provide services. For example, food trucks saw a resurgence, hotels implemented more rigid cleaning policies, and grocers found new ways to deliver for their consumers. Join us to learn how you can leverage curbside pickup, contactless payments, and click-and-collect in your next retail and/or hospitality opportunity.